Neck Liposuction in Chicago, IL

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About Neck Liposuction

Regardless of the reference, double chins are really created by too much fat around the neck. During liposuction of the neck at SAC Plastic Surgery, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Saeed Chowdhry will suction away the fat around your neck. This helps to minimize the jowls and the presence of the double chin. Liposuction of the neck creates a more distinguished jawline and neck and creates a smooth appearance by strengthening muscles and manipulating soft tissue. Neck liposuction can diminish small and large pockets of fat and can be utilized on large treatment areas. It's an exciting alternative for individuals who dream of a thinner neckline. For more information on neck liposuction and the potential benefits it could have on your neckline, make an appointment with Dr. Chowdhry at his practice in Oak Lawn, IL.

Ideal Candidates

The candidates who will receive the greatest results from neck liposuction at SAC Plastic Surgery are Chicago area individuals interested in eliminating excess fat from beneath their jawline to reveal a more youthful appearance. Large and small pockets of fats can be successfully removed. Men and women who maintain a healthy routine with proper diet and exercise regimen are most likely to maintain lasting results. If you suffer from sagging or excess skin under your jawline, you may be an ideal candidate for skin tightening surgery as a standalone procedure or in conjunction with neck liposuction.

Surgical Technique

During your neck liposuction procedure, Dr. Chowdhry will use a suctioning device called a cannula to suction away undesired fat through a very small incision beneath the jawline. Sometimes, he will choose the "superwet" tumescent technique where an anesthetic medication is mixed with another solution and utilized during the surgery to help reduce bleeding. The incision is then carefully sutured together with small stitches. Neck liposuction can be performed on its own, but many individuals choose to have it completed along with another surgery, such as skin tightening, to meet their aesthetic goals.

What to Expect

At SAC Plastic Surgery, neck liposuction is completed under general anesthesia as an outpatient procedure and can be performed rather quickly. Patients may be recommended to wear compression garments following their surgery to help control swelling. The recovery period can vary and could be lengthened if other plastic surgeries were completed in conjunction. Maximal results will be noticed in the few months after the procedure, but patients may be instructed not to put weight on the treatment area for the first week. Since the incision site is small, scarring is usually minimal and easy to conceal.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does neck liposuction cost?
Your cost for neck liposuction will vary based on many factors such as your aesthetic goals. Following a complete examination, Dr. Chowdhry will develop a surgical plan tailored to your needs. During your initial consultation, Dr. Chowdhry will also discuss payment options and how to obtain low-interest financing for your neck liposuction.

Will I have visible scarring?
Dr. Chowdhry makes surgical incisions for neck lipo where they are less visible or easily concealed. During your consultation, he will show you where he will make the incisions required for the surgery. These incisions will be placed just below your jawline or in the natural folds of your skin where they are difficult to see. Dr. Chowdhry or someone on his team will go over scar care instructions so your stitches heal properly.

Does the fat come back after a neck liposuction procedure?
The liposuction process removes fat cells from the neck, which cannot regrow. However, should you gain a large amount of weight after liposuction, your neck may become larger because the remaining fat cells will grow. That's why Dr. Chowdhry suggests you be at or near a healthy weight prior to surgery. This may make it easier to sustain your surgical results with exercise and a healthy diet.

Are there any nonsurgical options that can help improve my neck?
There is a series of nonsurgical injectables that are thought to potentially decrease the presence of fat in the neckline. Although, if you want long-term results and significant fat eliminated from several places, neck lipoplasty is a better choice. At your consultation, Dr. Chowdhry will listen to your concerns and explain your choices.

Should I get a neck lift or neck liposuction?
Dr. Chowdhry can help you decide whether you want neck liposuction, a lift, or both at your initial consultation. On the whole, a lift removes loose skin compared to neck liposuction, which eliminates fat. Often, getting both liposuction and a lift can provide the best results for a smooth profile. Tell Dr. Chowdhry about your goals during your initial consultation so he can develop your unique surgical plan.

Say Goodbye to Unwanted Fat

Neck lipo is a good way to eliminate difficult pockets of fat from the neck, defining the jawline and freeing you of an unattractive double chin. Our practice is always thrilled to help Oak Lawn, IL patients gain more pride in their body image by offering a number of aesthetic procedures. Dr. Chowdhry is devoted to working with you to provide the results you deserve. To find out more about neck lipo or to arrange for a consultation, call SAC Plastic Surgery right away.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.