Liposuction in Chicago, IL

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About Liposuction

Despite how much you watch what you eat and exercise, you might still be bothered by pockets of fat that prevent you from being completely confident in how you look. SAC Plastic Surgery offers the most advanced methods to effectively eliminate fat from areas of concern on the body. Surgical liposuction is a body contouring procedure that reduces pockets of fat from the flanks, tummy, buttocks, and thighs to create a more defined appearance. This fat removal surgery can be combined to treat multiple body parts. When we see you for your consultation, Chicago native and double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Saeed Chowdhry will assess the areas of your body you wish to address so you can attain your cosmetic surgery goals. We want to help you feel and look amazing. Schedule a consultation at SAC Plastic Surgery in Oak Lawn, IL to get started reaching your aesthetic goals.

Ideal Candidates

Fat removal surgery is a terrific treatment for patients who are at an ideal weight but have troublesome areas of fat that are difficult to rid with even the most healthy lifestyle. Patients interested in liposuction should have healthy skin because liposuction is not a treatment for stretched-out skin. It's also important to know that liposuction is not a solution for weight loss. Females undergoing liposuction should have no plans to become pregnant again as this may compromise the lasting outcome. At the time of your consult for surgery, Dr. Chowdhry will help you set realistic expectations.

Surgical Technique

This treatment is completed in an outpatient setting using general anesthesia. A punch-hole incision is placed through the skin so a cannula can be inserted. A cannula is a special tool that makes it easier to work loose the fatty tissue that is being vacuumed out. After the desired amount of fat deposits have been eliminated, Dr. Chowdhry will seal the small incision. Based on the amount of sections being treated, your procedure may take several hours. In the separate area for recovery, your post-op nurse will assist you with managing any discomfort and look after your treated areas until you are discharged.

What to Expect

You may need to stay at home for recovery from liposuction surgery for several weeks based on the number of sections treated and the amount of fat removed. It's typical to have bruising and swelling for one or two weeks, and you should have stitches taken out 7 – 10 days after surgery. The most important thing to do following any surgery is to give your body time to rest and heal. When you decide to go back to work after your surgery, you should remember to minimize stress and strenuous activity. To increase your strength and stamina, try walking and light workouts as recommended by Dr. Chowdhry. Remember, you may notice some improvements soon after your surgery, but it will take around 6 – 10 months until your new body contour and shape is complete.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does liposuction cost?
The cost of liposuction varies depending on the technique selected and how many areas are being treated. At your consultation, Dr. Chowdhry will tailor your personal treatment plan to meet your needs and goals. He will also consider your budget. When your plan is ready, estimated costs will be discussed. To make your surgery easier to afford, we accept several payment methods and can help you find low-interest financing.

What about nonsurgical liposuction?
There are several nonsurgical procedures to reduce body fat. Some popular brands are CoolSculpting, Vanquish, UltraShape, and Liposonix. Although these nonsurgical procedures can help reduce mild to moderate fat pockets, surgical liposuction is best for most people. Liposuction surgery produces more dramatic and consistent results. Ask Dr. Chowdhry about nonsurgical options at your consultation. He can explain the benefits of all your options and help you choose which is best for you.

What about cellulite and loose skin?
Liposuction surgery only removes excess fat. For loose skin, Dr. Chowdhry may recommend combining liposuction with a lift surgery. Lipo is often completed along with a skin tightening surgery, like a tummy tuck, thighplasty, or arm lift to give you your best results. To correct cellulite, there are many minimally invasive and nonsurgical treatments, including VelaShape, Cellulaze, Venus Freeze, and VASER Shape. During your consultation, talk to Dr. Chowdhry about your concerns (like cellulite and loose skin) so the best treatment plan can be created.

Will I have scars?
Since liposuction is an invasive surgery, incisions will be made and sutured. This will cause scars; however, Dr. Chowdhry does his best to reduce their appearance. This begins with making thin incisions in less visible areas like the natural folds of your body. After your surgery, Dr. Chowdhry or a member of his team will teach you how to care for your incisions so they heal properly and fade.

Will my results last?
Before liposuction, it is important to be prepared to maintain your results. Although liposuction reduces the number of fat cells in an area, you can still lose and gain weight. Dr. Chowdhry suggests that you be at or close to a healthy weight prior to liposuction. Afterward, it's best to remain within 5 – 10 pounds of your post-surgical weight. Getting pregnant after liposuction will also alter your results; however, another surgery like a mommy makeover may be done to refresh your body.

Look Fit and Toned

Fat removal with liposuction at SAC Plastic Surgery offers individuals the chance to have bothersome fat diminished almost instantly. Without the help of liposuction, it can be difficult to achieve the slim outcome you desire. We can recommend various alternatives for liposuction treatment depending on your individual aesthetic desires. We welcome you to get in touch with our office in Oak Lawn, IL to schedule your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Saeed Chowdhry.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.