Arm Lift in Chicago, IL

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About Arm Lift Surgery

One major downside to getting older or losing weight is the appearance of excess skin. At SAC Plastic Surgery, we offer upper arm lift surgery (also called brachioplasty) as a solution for Chicago area patients who cannot seem to tone or tighten their arms using natural methods. Excess skin from the elbow to the shoulder is very typical, particularly for people who are getting older or have lost significant amounts of weight. An upper arm lift excises this excess skin sometimes known as "bat wings." Double board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Saeed Chowdhry is very knowledgeable in fat removal and skin tightening surgical techniques. If you want to learn more about brachioplasty and how it can alter the contour of your upper arms, please contact us for an appointment at SAC Plastic Surgery in Oak Lawn, IL.

Ideal Candidates

An upper arm lift is a plastic surgery that utilizes advanced methods to contour and eliminate unwanted skin. If you are tired of hiding your "bat wings" and would prefer them to appear trim and taut again, you are a great candidate for an arm lift. You need to be in overall good health so that your skin will recover properly. Some of the top concerns for potential arm lift patients are excess, hanging skin on their upper arms, plus minimal tautness of the area. It is critical that you are at or close to a healthy, stable weight before your surgery.

Surgical Technique

In most cases, your upper arm surgery will be performed in an outpatient facility, except in cases where several cosmetic surgeries are to be performed at one time. An upper arm lift may be done with other surgeries (often completed at a facility with inpatient monitoring), including a tummy tuck, thigh lift, or mommy makeover — as long as Dr. Chowdhry considers it appropriate. An upper arm lift is typically performed with the patient under general anesthesia and can require a few hours to complete. The sagging skin will be surgically removed starting at the elbow and continuing to the armpit. The incision will be specifically placed so as to be as concealed as possible, although it will leave a slight scar. In cases where liposuction is desired to eliminate stubborn pockets of fat, this will be completed at that time. After the skin is pulled taut, it will be stitched together. You will have to care for the incisions by keeping them cleaned, covered, and supported with compression garments.

What to Expect

A typical recovery time frame may be around two weeks with lots of rest. Give your body time to heal. You use your arms for almost everything so most patients should slowly make their way back to their daily activities. If needed, a suture removal appointment will be scheduled about ten days after surgery. Compression garments must be kept on until you receive permission from Dr. Chowdhry to remove them. For at least one month, all exercise and strenuous activity must be eliminated except for frequent, short walks. If you have uncontrolled bleeding, excessive swelling, fluid buildup (hematoma), signs of infection, numbness in the hands or arms, or unusual scarring, please contact SAC Plastic Surgery for answers.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does arm lift surgery cost?
The total cost of an arm lift will be based on several things. Before he can estimate your costs, Dr. Chowdhry will start with a consultation to understand your concerns and goals. Following the consultation and exam, he will develop your unique surgical plan and break down your costs. In order to make it easier to reach your goals, our facility accepts several payment methods. We can also give you information on low-interest financing, upon request.

Can I combine an arm lift with other surgeries?
It's normal for patients who want an arm lift to request a custom treatment plan that includes other surgical procedures. This is often known as an upper body lift and can combine liposuction, a breast lift, or tummy tuck. Arm lift surgery is also frequently included in an after weight loss surgery plan for those who have lost a significant amount of weight and need contouring throughout their body. At your initial consultation with Dr. Chowdhry, complementary surgeries can be discussed so your personal treatment plan meets all of your needs and goals.

Will I have scars?
A surgical arm lift requires incisions in order to cut away excess skin, which often leads to scarring. However, Dr. Chowdhry will make every effort to place the small incisions in inconspicuous areas. Following your arm lift, ointments that help with healing will be suggested along with our tips for minimizing scarring. Dr. Chowdhry also suggests you limit UV exposure for at least one year to protect the scar from becoming discolored. In general, patients typically feel the overall benefits of an arm lift are worth the minimal scars created.

What results can I expect from an arm lift?
A surgical arm lift is used to treat loose skin and small amounts of fat. You should maintain a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a balanced diet to avoid a dramatic change in your weight, which might alter your results. After your arm lift, as soon as you have recovered and Dr. Chowdhry has given permission, you should start strength training. This is a good way to improve the shape of your upper arms by toning the muscles.

Are there nonsurgical treatments to improve my arms?
Although there are a lot of noninvasive skin tightening options, they can only provide minor improvements. To correct moderate to severe skin laxity, arm lift surgery is your best choice. In addition to treating loose skin, Dr. Chowdhry also uses liposuction on small pockets of fat and smoothes the tissue and remaining skin. If you're interested in learning more about nonsurgical procedures, ask Dr. Chowdhry during your consultation.


Get Back Your Shape

No matter what you call your droopy skin or "bat wings" under your upper arms, Dr. Chowdhry looks forward to improving your appearance with an arm lift. This innovative surgery provides physical and emotional benefits. If you're at or close to a healthy, stable weight but still can't get rid of the skin and flab that hangs off your arms, please contact us to plan a consultation with Dr. Saeed Chowdhry at SAC Plastic Surgery. Look and feel fitter and younger with upper arm lift surgery.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.