Butt Lift in Chicago, IL

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About Butt Lift Surgery

Dealing with loose, wrinkled skin under your rear end can be discouraging, especially for those who diet and exercise regularly. Individuals who have recently lost a significant amount of weight suffer greatly from this condition. It's for this reason that board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Saeed Chowdhry recommends butt lift surgery. This procedure addresses stretched skin with skin tightening techniques and removal to reveal a higher, firmer shape. There are quite a few benefits of receiving a butt lift, like a plumper backside in a more lifted position with taut skin underneath. This promising skin tightening surgery performed by Dr. Chowdhry is sometimes performed in conjunction with other body sculpting surgeries, such as an abdominoplasty, a thigh lift, or a lower body lift. Schedule a consultation at SAC Plastic Surgery in Oak Lawn, IL to learn more about butt lift surgery. We proudly serve the greater Chicago metropolis.

Ideal Candidates

Ideal candidates for a butt lift surgery at SAC Plastic Surgery usually seek out a surgical alternative when their diet and exercise efforts do not correct their misshapen bottom. Unfortunately, once the skin loses its elasticity, it's incredibly challenging to lift the backside without removing or tightening the skin. Dr. Chowdhry might recommend a butt lift to mature individuals with sagging skin or young individuals with excess loose skin from weight loss. Individuals who have previously been pregnant might also notice a difference in the nature of the skin around their bottom.

Surgical Technique

If you have chosen just the butt lift procedure, it will be performed on an outpatient basis the day of your surgery. If you have chosen a combination of several surgeries, Dr. Chowdhry may recommend you be admitted to the surgical center for overnight observation for the beginning stages of your recovery. The butt lift procedure itself can be performed in around two hours while under general anesthesia. Incisions will be made under the crease of your buttocks, where the thigh and bottom meet. Loose skin will be removed so the skin remaining can be lifted to a more appealing position. The muscles will be simultaneously tightened as well. Sometimes it is recommended that liposuction be added to the surgery for the best results. When the procedure is finalized, your incisions will be sewn closed and monitored in the recovery area by our skilled team of medical professionals.

What to Expect

After your butt lift surgery, you can expect swelling and bruising around and on the surgical site, which should only last a number of months. It is often uncomfortable to sit in a normal position for a few days, so we highly advise you heed the medical advice provided to you. It is of the utmost importance that you report to every follow-up appointment and keep a close eye on your healing incisions.

It is not uncommon for the buttocks to be uncomfortable for the first week. As the swelling decreases, you will start to notice the results of your procedure. For some, results may not be noticed for a full year after their surgery. After recovery, any scars that remain visible can typically be concealed beneath undergarments. If you have concerns or questions, please contact SAC Plastic Surgery for help.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a butt lift cost?
The price of a butt lift procedure will vary from patient to patient. During your initial consultation, we will discuss your desired outcome to create a customized treatment plan that fits your budget. We will also talk with you about specific out-of-pocket costs and payment plans.

What is the difference between a butt lift and liposuction?
A butt lift procedure is more beneficial for individuals who are experiencing loose skin or wrinkles under their buttocks. While liposuction is a fat removal procedure, a butt lift will not remove excess fat. Therefore, if you have healthy skin laxity but are suffering from excess fat, liposuction may be better suited for your aesthetic goals.

Will I have visible scarring?
Like with most surgical procedures, scarring is to be expected. However, Dr. Chowdhry works to make scarring as minimal as possible. Additionally, incisions are made in the natural folds and contours of your body so that they are better concealed.

What happens if I gain weight after surgery?
The results of a butt lift procedure can be compromised if there is significant weight gain after the procedure. Therefore, a butt lift is only recommended if you are close to or at your goal weight. It is also recommended that you stick to a healthy diet and exercise routine to maintain your results after a butt lift surgery.

Can I also get implants during a butt lift procedure?
While a butt lift procedure creates a firmer and tighter appearance, it does not add volume. A butt augmentation is a procedure that uses implants to create more volume in the buttocks. Additionally, a fat transfer procedure uses your own fat from elsewhere in your body to be injected into the buttocks. Both a butt augmentation and fat transfer procedure can be combined with a butt lift surgery if you are wanting to further enhance your results.

Uplifting Improvements

Call our Oak Lawn, IL facility for more information about butt lift surgery and its benefits. This skin tightening surgery minimizes loose skin on and around the buttocks to create a sexier backside — as well as a voluminous silhouette. Schedule your consultation today to learn how we can help you a discover a more confident you.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.