After Weight Loss Surgery in Chicago, IL

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After Weight Loss Surgery

Patients who undergo major weight loss are usually ecstatic, having emotionally and physically moved beyond a major burden in their life. The downside: while their weight loss represents a proud accomplishment, some individuals will face more frustrations. The new challenge is often the loose and wrinkly skin that appears on the body. Massive weight loss commonly leaves individuals with skin that cannot shrink to match their new smaller size. No matter where the sagging skin is located, plastic surgery is often necessary to eliminate the issue. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Saeed Chowdhry performs after weight loss surgery for Chicago area patients. This life-changing procedure at SAC Plastic Surgery in Oak Lawn, IL can help you reach your cosmetic goals and finalize your transformation. Meet with Dr. Chowdhry during a private consultation to learn if after weight loss surgery is right for you. 

Ideal Candidates

The best candidates for after weight loss surgery are those who are dealing with excessive loose skin due to a massive weight loss or fluctuation. Most often, this challenge is visible early on as weight is lost. If you are burdened by loose skin, surgery at SAC Plastic Surgery can eliminate the issue and secure the tissue and remaining skin for a tighter and healthier appearance. It's recommended that patients are close to a healthy weight before considering skin removal surgery.

Surgical Technique

Plastic surgery to remove loose skin is almost always considered an invasive treatment. This surgery requires general anesthesia and on average, takes between 3 – 7 hours, depending upon the combination of procedures being performed. Usually, a hospital stay is necessary. A form of liposuction is often integrated during the procedure to remove areas where fat exists, followed by the surgical removal of skin. After weight loss surgery does make longer incisions than most other cosmetic procedures so varying degrees of scars will be a part of this treatment. During this procedure, every effort is made by Dr. Chowdhry to make the incisions as discreet as possible. Dr. Chowdhry or a member of his team will give you comprehensive scar healing instructions for a healthy outcome.

What to Expect

When you are released from our care, you will need to schedule a week or two to rest at home. Small tubes may be implanted near the incisions to help minimize swelling and drainage, and compression garments will be provided to reduce swelling. For the average person, it takes about 2 – 4 weeks until you can go back to regular activities, but considering the level of invasiveness, it may take longer. Dr. Chowdhry finds that most of his patients are back to normal around six months. Skin removal surgery can be a life changer for patients with amazing results that are immediate. Once healed, you will feel more confident in your clothing and excited to participate in activities without sagging skin keeping you from the things you love to do.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does after weight loss surgery cost?
The total cost of after weight loss surgery varies based on what's included in your treatment plan. At your initial consultation, Dr. Chowdhry will design your treatment plan to fit your needs and goals. After a plan is created, he can then estimate costs, which will include fees for anesthesia, the facility, care before and after your surgery, plus other fees. To help make your surgery more affordable, we accept several methods of payment and can help you find low-interest financing.

Can I use insurance to pay for my after weight loss surgery?
Insurance policies typically won't pay for the costs of elective surgery. Although, policies do vary and may cover you if excess skin is deemed a medical concern. If you are planning to submit a claim to your insurance company, please let Dr. Chowdhry know at your first appointment. He can give you the necessary paperwork and information to submit to your insurance company.

What will be included in my after weight loss surgery?
Common areas that are corrected in this procedure are the stomach, butt, thighs, arms, neck, and breasts. During your initial consultation, Dr. Chowdhry will seek to understand your needs and wants before completing an exam. Afterward, he will give you his suggestions on what surgeries need to be included in your treatment plan.

When should I get my after weight loss surgery?
When you have lost a significant amount of weight and excess skin becomes apparent, it's usually a good time to schedule a consultation at SAC Plastic Surgery. During your consultation, Dr. Chowdhry will discuss what you should do to prepare for after weight loss surgery and what areas should be included in your custom treatment plan. Before scheduling after weight loss surgery, you need to be at or near a stable weight.

What will my recovery be like after surgery?
The length of your recovery will depend on your surgical plan. If you're getting several areas treated, your recovery will take more time. During your initial consultation, Dr. Chowdhry will discuss what you can expect after surgery and suggest things that may make you more comfortable. Appointments for post-surgery follow-up appointments should be scheduled beforehand so Dr. Chowdhry can assess your recovery.

Reach Your Goals

Losing weight is such an outstanding accomplishment, and we are so happy for you if you finally met your personal transformation. If stretched-out skin is a problem, Dr. Chowdhry invites you to learn more about your alternatives for cosmetic skin removal. After weight loss surgery could further improve your silhouette and help you to meet and surpass each and every one of the exciting goals you have made for yourself. Contact SAC Plastic Surgery in Oak Lawn, IL to speak with our patient coordinator.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.